The Water for Humans and Nature Task Force prioritizes knowledge sharing and capacity building to highlight the crucial role of water ecosystems in sustaining human life. This recognition is the first milestone in the appropriate implementation of a nature-based solution strategy that aims to conserve, protect, and restore water-related ecosystems.

    Clean and sufficient water becomes a critical life support as all humans, all ecosystems and biodiversity depend on the availability of water to function and thrive.

    Understanding the complex relationships between humans and nature, and between water, food, energy, health, ecosystems, socioeconomics, climate, governance, education systems and so on, is crucial to provide a relevant view of the interdependency of global water challenges and to finding tailored solutions.

    The Task Force on Water for Humans and Nature builds on work undertaken in  previous mandates on Water and Ecological Security and Integrated Water Resources Management.  It will aim to promote a holistic Systems View by highlighting the interconnectedness of water for people and ecosystems,and will strengthen the interactions between water, food, energy, health, education, etc. and the need to preserve nature.

    This includes efforts to conserve, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, in particular through nature-based solutions. Particular attention will be paid to strengthening capacities and sharing knowledge at different levels to ensure appropriate implementation of these approaches.


    Strategic Actions

    • Disseminate water principles and values among the water community.
    • Explore new and existing case studies and lessons on water systems.
    • Develop training material and exchange plans for the transversality of systemic approaches to water interconnectivities regarding humans and nature.
    • Develop training material and exchange plans for nature-based solutions to improve human resilience, livelihoods and health.
    • Disseminate knowledge and data on the interlinkages among water, food, energy, environment, climate, etc.
    • Engage in the International Water Action Decade activities.
    • Engage in the CBD Post-2020 Framework & Ecosystem Restoration activities.
    • Share knowledge for better cooperation and governance.
    • Work on the “Water & Nature Declaration” Action Plan based on the taskforce principles.